set temp0= "ShowHyperText" & QUOTE & "25"& QUOTE set HyperTextList = [ #50:temp0] set VideoList = [] @ LYONNAISE SALT COD The evening before, soak the salt cod in several rinses of cold water. Boil the potatoes in their skins. Allow to cool. Put the salt cod into cold water and bring to a boil, when it does, take it off the heat and allow to cool. Flake the flesh. Sautˇ the onions in 2 tablespoons oil. Slice the potatoes into rounds, and sautˇ them in 2 tablespoons oil and butter. When they are golden, add the flaked salt cod, the rest of the oil and butter, the onions and pepper. Sautˇ until golden. Just before serving whisk together the cr¸me fra”che and vinegar and pour it over. Sprinkle with parsley and serve with a green salad. @ 2 1/4 lbs salt cod 5 large onions, minced 1/2 cup cooking oil 1/4 cup unsalted butter 3 large potatoes pepper 1 tbsp chopped parsley 4 tbsp cr¸me fra”che (optional) 1 tbsp vinegar (optional @ 50 mn @ 30 mn @ @ Rh™ne-Alpes @ Fish @ @ Brouilly @